Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday is the day for basically everything! 星期一来了

The day after Sunday usually is the best day of the week.  As far as I can say as a small business owner, because all of my employees are pretty much all awake for the work.  It sounds like a typical capitalist pig, doesn't it!


As usual, I got to my office around 10am, everybody but Leon is already hopping on their desks and working on their little big projects.  Leon called in sick this morning before 9am, specifically did it based on the company book.  This is what I like him about.  However, I do believe he must got really sick from that lethal Flu, that's been going around for a long time in the city.  Me and my wife both caught it unfortunately and really suffered from that for at least a week. 


今天是星期一, 应该来说是一个非常好的一个开始, 至少对我这么一个小小的公司总经理来说每一个员工都会非常的有精力,因为都休息了一个周末了我现在感觉到我越来越向一个小资本家靠拢了.  真的希望我的每一个员工都在那里不停的工作这样我才会开心……


今天还是老样子10点到公司, 每个人都已经来了, Leon病了, 说是感染上了流感….






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